Car Insurance Companies : Erie Car Insurance

"car insurance companies : Erie Car Insurance Erie Car Insurance What is Erie Insurance Group?        It   is an American multi-line   insura..."

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car insurance companies : Erie Car Insurance
car insurance companies : Erie Car Insurance

Erie Car Insurance

What is Erie Insurance Group?

       It is an American multi-line insurance company, offering auto, home, commercial and life insurance through a network of independent insurance agents.
Erie Insurance Group's geographic presence extends to 12 U.S. states and the District of Columbia,
       The Pennsylvania Insurance Department issued a license to the Erie Insurance Exchange as an automobile insurer in 1925 and operations began on April 20, 1925.
Sells its products exclusively through a network of more than 2,000 independent agencies with more than 10,000 licensed agents.
Other informations from this company
         Erie Insurance has operations in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia.
·           Erie Insurance has nearly 4.9 million policies in force for auto, home and commercial insurance, and more than 330,000 life, annuity and disability income policies in force.
·         More than 2,167 agencies represent Erie Insurance in 12 states and the District of Columbia
·         More than 4,600 Employees work at the company’s Home Office in Erie, Pa., and in the field offices across our territory. The Home Office alone employs more than 2,600 people
·                         Erie Insurance received top honors on the J.D. Power's Insurance Shopping StudySM. The annual study evaluates the experience of consumers buying a new car insurance policy.
·         Erie Insurance received the highest numerical score in the proprietary J.D. Power 2013-2014 Insurance Shopping StudiesSM. 2014 study based on 6,968 total responses, ranking 21 providers and measuring the opinions of consumers shopping for a new auto insurance policy. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of members surveyed October 2013-January 2014. Your experiences may vary.


       According to a 2012 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article, Erie Insurance offers a product called ERIE Rate Lock® which promises to hold a rate steady until the policyholder changes a driver, vehicle or home address. A source quoted in the article stated, “the price is guaranteed” even if the customer has an at-fault accident or a speeding violation. According to the article, this is the first product of its kind.
ERIE Rate Lock is trademarked to Erie Indemnity Company  with a patent pending.

The source : erie insurance web site 

References : From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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