car insurance companies : United Services Automobile Association USAA

"car insurance companies : United Services Automobile Association USAA USAA : United Services Automobile  Association Get exclusive savings a..."

Selamat siang kawan Axa Mandiri Blog kali ini admin bakal membuat artikel yang berjudul car insurance companies : United Services Automobile Association USAA, karena kemarin admin telan membuat artikel yang membahas tips lainnya seperti di atikel dan berikut adalah artikel yang membahas car insurance companies : United Services Automobile Association USAA,,oke deh langsung saja berikut tips car insurance companies : United Services Automobile Association USAA.

car insurance companies : United Services Automobile Association USAA
car insurance companies : United Services Automobile Association USAA

USAA : United Services Automobile  Association

Get exclusive savings and discounts


· Accident Forgiveness. A young driver's first at-fault accident won't affect premiums. And it costs just a few dollars a month.

(Accident Forgiveness may require an additional premium and is not available in CT, DE, NC, CA and NY. Not applicable to past accidents. Can only be applied to one accident at a time per policy. Accident Forgiveness is not a promise to continue coverage and the policy continues to be subject to underwriting guidelines.)

·  Safe driver, driver training and good student discounts.Coverage for teen drivers is more affordable with these great discounts.
( Good Student Discount is not available in HI, NC, and NY. Restrictions apply)
·  Low mileage discount. When a teen drives their own car, they're likely putting fewer miles on other cars on the policy — meaning you could get a discount due to insuring multiple vehicles.
(Discount applies to operators over age 29. Not available in HI and NC. Other restrictions apply)
·  Pass on the savings. Plus, if their parents have USAA Auto Insurance, teen drivers could qualify for a 10% discount when they get their own policy.
(To be eligible for this discount, the former dependent must have been insured on the parents' or guardians' policy for a minimum of three years, be less than 25 years old, and have a clean driving record. Restrictions apply)

Get peace of mind when you hand over the keys
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens and claim the lives of about eight teenagers every day. Because new drivers are most vulnerable during the first year they are eligible to drive, helping them gain the right experience and assess their safe driving skills is crucial.
(According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Using technology to improve driving habits

To help you and your new driver navigate this milestone, we're offering through Intelligent Mechatronic Systems, Inc. (IMS), the Young Drivers Intelligence product. Using vehicle monitoring technology offered by IMS, this free product provides tools and advice that can help parents educate young and inexperienced drivers and coach safe driving habits.
 (Product includes the monitoring device and the first year of monitoring service. After that, the member may purchase renewal service through IMS)

How it works

We'll provide you with a small GPS device to install on the primary vehicle used by your new driver. When your teen drives, the device transmits key driving factors like:
§  Vehicle speed
§  Acceleration
§  Braking
§  Location
§  Time of day

The results are transmitted wirelessly to a secure website where you and your teen can review the data. They will only be used for you to help your teen develop safe driving habits — not for determining rates or acceptability for auto insurance.

(Can be canceled at any time at the sole discretion of USAA)

Source Informations : United Services Automobile Association USAA web site

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