NFU Mutual : Best Insurance Car

"NFU Mutual : Best Insurance Car NFU Mutual  Auto Insurance The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited , trading as   NFU Mu..."

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NFU Mutual : Best Insurance Car
NFU Mutual : Best Insurance Car

NFU Mutual  Auto Insurance

The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited, trading as NFU Mutual, is a UK registered mutual insurance composite. It underwrites more than £1 billion (2008) in annual premium in life and general insurance lines for rural communities within the UK
Our car insurance provides a range of features as standard. Unlike some other providers you don't have to then add on extras to the standard quote. Because of this approach our car insurance has won various awards. 
If you have to make a claim you will discover just how friendly and efficient our claims handling service is. Our emergency helpline is available 24 hours a day to take your calls and put you in touch with an approved repairer.
NFU Mutual is currently engaged in a program to open new branches where NFU Mutual has never ventured before including Battle, East Sussex; Southport, Merseyside; and Oxford city centre
NFU Mutual was formed in 1910 by 7 local farmers as the Midlands Farmers Mutual Insurance Society Ltd., with working capital of just £190. It was formed to provide an inducement for farmers to join the NFU, which had been formed 2 years earlier. The provision of cheap insurance cover for NFU members contributed to the early growth of the NFU and NFU Mutual. Life insurance cover was introduced during the 1920s
As the NFU Mutual does not have shareholders, a large proportion of its profits are returned to customers in the form of a discount off the premiums of renewing customers. The maximum premium discount is 7% depending on the number of years that the policyholder has been using the mutual.
As part of the 100th anniversary, NFU Mutual intended to double the bonus for one year only.
If your vehicle has been involved in an incident, please tell us about it immediately
Call us on our 24 hour claims service help line on 0800 282 652 (for security and training purposes calls may be recorded and monitored).
Source and reference : Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and NFU Mutual web site

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